Record 1.25 million vaccinated against Covid-19 in Andhra Pradesh

Andhra Pradesh achieved a unique feat on Sunday, vaccinating over 1.25 million people under the Mega Covid vaccination drive that the health authorities hope could be a record in any one province in the world. By 6 pm, a total of 1,256,215 people were administered the coronavirus vaccine in the state.

In the process, the state also crossed the one crore mark in the administration of the first dose of coronavirus vaccine.

So far, 11 million people in the state got the first dose and 2.72 million the second dose since the Covid-19 vaccination programme began on January 16. A sum of 13.7 million vaccine doses (first and second) were administered in the state so far.

The mega vaccination drive, with focus on persons over the age of 45 years and mothers with children under five years, began at 6 am in more than 2,200 locations in all 13 districts of the state.

By 2 pm, 902,308 people were inoculated, according to the Health Department data. By 3.30 pm, the number crossed the one million mark.

(This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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First Published: Sun, June 20 2021. 23:32 IST

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